On our walk this afternoon, he seemed to be doing great, until the coughing started...
He coughed so much he vomitted! Not once, or twice, but more like 10 times!
Relax, he's fine. I took his temperature and it was totally normal. He is actually over the enormous mountain of illness that's dominating our house. I have every confidence that he will be returning to school on Monday. Although, I think I will request for him to skip recess and P.E. just to be on the safe side.
He's a giant! I'm sort of nervous about seeing Boris again at Christmas because I still kinda think of him as a 3 year old. Isn't that crazy?! I mean, he's a school-kid for cyrin' out loud. Spike is 3!
screw you and your cold weather, they told us a cold front was coming OMG! it got down to 72 we are going to have to bust out the big jackets :)
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