detailing the adventures! the superhuman exploits! the spectacular rescues! the amazing feats of derring-do! performed by the one...the only...the SENSATIONAL SUPER-BORIS!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The king and his court?

Boris is such a guy. He's hairy, bold, aggressive, opinionated, short-tempered and very very independent. He is so amazing. He led the pack tonight, urging on the slower kids, choosing which houses to hit and which to skip. He carefully calculated exactly how much loot he was getting from each stop, complaining if he felt it wasn't enough.

But, as always, he stays happy! He's the chipper, upbeat, quick-to-laugh alpha-dog in the pack of brightly-colored kids. He commands attention. He smiles alot. He gets all the jokes we try to tell over his head. He's a ladykiller. He's infuriating and endearing at the same time.

Everybody loves Boris.

(I don't know why it looks like Spike has pigtails..he doesn't.)

I didn't know where else to put this picture...

Do you have any idea how proud we are?
Do you know how good it feels to see your child grow up?
Do you know how much it hurts to see your child grow up?

We have more love than we can ever use up...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Day #4

Boris was so excited to go back to school today, he literally could not stand still! I, unfortunately lost my voice to my illness, so had a hard time communicating with his teacher at school. I did, however, get his report card, and am happy to report that it was outstanding! He got the kindergarten equivilant of straight A's!
This is after a hair cut and a nice relaxing shower. He is going to be a red Power Ranger tomorrow and has to look his best! Especially since Delaney is going to be Super Girl! We have to give the ladies something sweet to look at, don't we?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Day #3

I am happy to report that Boris is nearly 100% better. He still has some coughing fits, but his appitite has returned along with his sense of humor! Welcome back, baby!
He actually drew these super cool chalk people all over the front porch, but wouldn't sit still long enough to get a proper picture.
Tomorrow will be his first day back to school, so I'm sure I'll have a lot more to tell! Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Day #2

Yes, he's that big! This is before our outing (see other blogs). You might be asking yourself, "Why the long sleeves?" Well, it was 56 degrees out, that's why! I know, I know, it's hard to believe, I mean, it IS Texas, and it's not even December yet, right? All I can say is "Stranger things have happened." Besides, it didn't last long, the high today was 75. In other news...
On our walk this afternoon, he seemed to be doing great, until the coughing started...
He coughed so much he vomitted! Not once, or twice, but more like 10 times!
Relax, he's fine. I took his temperature and it was totally normal. He is actually over the enormous mountain of illness that's dominating our house. I have every confidence that he will be returning to school on Monday. Although, I think I will request for him to skip recess and P.E. just to be on the safe side.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Day #1

Boris has been sick and out of school since Wednesday.
He missed the letter O, his class shirt, and his report card.
Not to mention computer class, and treasure box!
This has been the best of all the days, and I'm hoping he will be at 90% by tomorrow.
So, do me a favor guys...send all the positive energy you can spare, and keep those toes and fingers crossed! He deserves it!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Our first school carnival

Yup! That's cotton candy! They actually didn't like it very much.

One of a dozen different inflatable "rides"

Tattoos complete the trip!